Overshare Website of Sophie

After New Order Workshop at kHaus

25. November 2023

i have to finish a lot for my University Presentation on Wednesday. Presentation is on wednesday but i will have to upload everything until monday night. At least i think so. I'm stressed about it because until now i hadn't done so much. Especially because all of my classmates seem to only do this in their lives. So for example I work a lot but it never seams to be enough. It's seems to be a bit complicated to have hobbies besides this masters programm. I thought that it was going to be less intense or dense as the bachelors but it's not at all. I wonder weither the swiss university system is just less free or less creative in a way than the german one. You really have to do everything they tell you to do right after they did. I feel like all passion that I once had for architecture and design is kind of gone. But on the other hand I'm also not sure if i'm just too busy with this exhibition project which i seem to enjoy more than my "real profession". I really don't know how to continue. The only thing i know is that i have to finish this current project this week. This is why i made a few lists that could maybe help. Also I made the backgroundcolor look how I feel about this situation.

Thank you for reading my oversharing.

    Was ich noch machen muss von einfach zu schwierig
  1. Axonometrie fertig zeichnen
  2. Beamer Präsentation machen und hochladen
  3. Schnitte Quer fertig zeichnen
  4. Schnitte Längs zeichnen
  5. Darstellung Perspektivschnitt fertig zeichnen
  6. Darstellung Perspektivschnitt Flächen ausschneiden und einscannen
  7. Plotten
  8. Pläne layouten und auf Illustrator einstellen
  9. Grundrisse zeichnen kin max. 1:50
  10. System für Holzrahmenbau finden
this is something i still need to think about because my bathrooms seem to be too small.
System für Holzrahmenbau finden
Im Internet nachschauen, Beispiele finden, Grundrisse finden für Treppe und Innenausbau
Grundrisse Zeichnen
System auf die Grundrisse übertragen und im Detail aufzeichnen. Alle Strukturen angeben, inklusive Bodenbeläge
Pläne layouten und auf Illustrator einstellen
Strichstärken und farben einstellen, 2 AO füllen, Schwarzplan und Lageplan einfügen
Schnitte Längs zeichnen
Von Grundrissen die Pläne übertragen
this is the only plan that i already prepared.